Mountain Sky Goldens


Adoption Form

Thinking about adopting a puppy? Great! Fill out this form and we'll review it.

*These fields are required

*First and Last Name

*Phone Number

*Email Address

*Preferred method of contact

*Why do you want a dog?

*Who will be responsible for the dog's care?

*How often is someone home?

*What type of home do you live in?

(home, apartment, condo, townhome, etc.)

*Do you have a yard? If so, what is it like?

(fenced? size? etc.)

*Do you own or rent?

*Do you have other pets? If so, please describe them.

(type, temperament, experience with other animals, etc.)

*What is your history with dogs?

*What is your attitude towards training and obedience?

Does anyone in your household have an allergy to dogs?

*Are you committed to keeping up with proper grooming and healthcare?

*Do you have the time to meet the demanding needs of a puppy's feeding, training, and exercise?

*Are you aware of the costs involved in veterinary care, buying quality dog food, boarding the dog while away, annual licensing fees, etc?

*We do not sell breeding rights with our puppies. Do you guarantee not to breed, re-home, or resell this puppy without prior approval from the breeder?

We will guarantee you a puppy. We will not and cannot guarantee color, gender, or temperament. Having said that, if you had preferences in your puppy, what would they be?

*How did you hear about us?

Do you have any questions for us?

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©2024 Mountain Sky Goldens
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